
Friday, August 20, 2021

Keep Stronger Vitality against the Virus !

Keep Stronger Vitality against the Virus and the Disaster!


— Enagic (英耐吉)还原水机器

The novel coronavirus continues to mutate, impacting people of all ages. Children and the elderly, especially those with weakened immune systems or various illnesses, are particularly affected.  Electrolyzed Reduced Water helps balance the body's acidity and maintains a slightly alkaline state. Enagic electrolyzed reduced water machines are beneficial in enhancing the resistance of elderly individuals. 

In this era of constant virus mutations, let's join hands in efforts to overcome challenges together.

新冠病毒不断变异,对于所有年龄的人群都造成冲击,其中抵抗力比较弱的儿童和老年人受冲击,尤其是有多种疾病缠身的老年人。电解还原水,有助于平衡人体的酸碱度,保持弱碱性的平衡状态。Enagic电解还原水机器 ,对于提高老年人的抵抗力 很有帮助。


The normal pH range of the human body is 7.35—7.45, exhibiting a weak alkaline state. When the body's acidity deviates significantly from this normal range, health issues can arise. High-quality Electrolytic Reduced water contributes to balancing the body's acidity and maintaining a slightly alkaline equilibrium. 

Electrolyzed–Reduced Water Enhances Your Health! 

人体的正常PH值区间为:7.35—7.45 , 呈弱碱性。当人体的酸碱度过于 偏离正常区间时,健康状况就会出问题。





Kangen Water, not all water is created equal. 


You may choose to purchase directly from Enagic Headquarters or through 7-star Distributor.  For those purchases done via 7-star Distributor, you can enjoy up to 10% discount. 



There’s vey extensive discussion on the rapid mutations of virus, which are even quicker than the update of computer chips. So some people believe the viruses are made in laboratories, just like dangerous games designed on purpose.  

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Spirit of Gratitude

Spirit of Gratitude


The following content is an excerpt from Dr. Li's grateful retrospective on his legendary life.


Back in 1950, I was here all alone, in a strange new country with a brand-new language, and no relatives. Thankfully, I was given a job sweeping floors in a Lockheed hangar on Saturdays, and the pay fed me for a whole week. Another part-time job paid for my room. When I graduated with honors from flight mechanic’s school, I applied to MIT! Friends and teachers laughed at me. One of my Chinese schoolmates even used the Chinese saying: “A lazy toad wants to eat the meat of a heavenly swan!(懒蛤蟆想吃天鹅), You’ll be lucky if you can get into Glendale City College!” One of my teachers even said about MIT: “Bob, you don’t know where it is and you cannot even spell Massachusetts!” Miraculously, I had the last laugh!

回想起1950年,我一个人来到美国   对于当时的我而言,那是一片完全陌生的国土,在这里我孤身一人,无依无靠,既没有亲戚,也不懂得当地语言  英语。  谢天谢地,我得到了一份周六在洛克希德机库扫地的工作,工资足够我维持生活一个星期。 另外搞了一份兼职工作,足够支付我的房租。 当我以优异的成绩从飞行机械学校毕业时,我申请报考麻省理工学院MIT)!  朋友和老师都笑话我。 我的一个中国老乡校友甚至用了一句中文谚语:“A lazy toad wants to eat the meat of a heavenly swan!(就是在嘲笑少年罗伯特,你小子简直就是 懒蛤蟆想吃天鹅) 如果你能考上格伦代尔城市学院(Glendale City College),你就很幸运了!”  (格伦代尔城市学院 属于三流的职业技术学院

Friday, February 24, 2017



                            — 华夏文明 (一)


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Unity of Wisdom

 Unity of Wisdom from the East and the West

 - Build the Rainbow of Your Success


Human beings are the most peculiar creatures among all the things that heaven fosters.  There may be happiness and hardship in the life course of every individual. In the brilliant success of all great achievements, there're painstaking efforts.  Beautiful rainbow is built up through baptism by storm. 

天生万物, 人最为独特。在每个人的生命历程中都会有幸福喜悦和艰辛坎坷。在所有辉煌成就的七彩光环背后,都有人们的艰苦付出。  美丽的彩虹往往在风暴洗礼后才能铸就。

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

Blessings Always Boomerang

Blessings Always Boomerang



The following story is excerpted from another book written by Dr. Robert Lee several years ago: Build the Rainbow of Your Success.

It’s been translated into Chinese, so the bilingual content is exhibited here.

English readers may go to the middle part of the webpage, to read the English section directly.



七彩人生 (Build the Rainbow of Your Success )


该书的主题展示罗伯特·李博士的独特人生历程,以跌宕起伏的真实经历、酸甜苦辣的顽强奋斗,展示了融合东西方文明的感悟智慧之外,也展示了李博士 从“无神论”信徒的“科学派”精英 逐步 转变,变成了 敬畏“神灵”、敬畏因果报应 传统信仰文化 守护者。

Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Special Miracle

A Special Miracle



At the end of 2007, my wife was discharged from the City of Hope hospital after a nine-month bout with AML (Acute Myelogenous Leukemia). She was given a 2 to 5 percent of chance of survival. We were desperate in trying to find something that could help her.
